The suite that you ’ve been looking for …
LaynC2 Malware
Your best Discord RAT
Advanced RAT malware written in Python, fully controllable through Discord with dedicated GUI builder to make preparation easier.
You don ’t need technical knowledge to set up your own copy of LaynC2 Malware thanks to our simple and intuitive GUI builder.
LaynC2 Malware is currently packed with such a great variety of functions, that it has become the most advanced RAT controlled via Discord on the market.
You decide what features will be included in final executable and what icons and names will it use.
Quick start for beginners
For easy building
Set Up a Discord Server
The Server is needed to control every infected PC from one place.
Create Application and BOT
A BOT is required to keep the malware running, and to maintain control over infected PCs.
Build Standalone Executable
Use our simple and intuitive GUI builder to easily create a LaynC2 Malware executable.
We can ’t help you with this one, but you must remember to use this project ethically and don ’t go beyond the law ’s limitations.
Keep in Mind!
Information and code provided in this project are for educational purposes only. The developers team is in no way responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the misusage of the information. Everything you do, you are doing at your own risk and responsibility.